Category:Parts Archives - Lexus South Pointe
Winter Tires vs All-Season Tires

Don’t leave your vehicle out in the cold (literally) — it’s time to think about your winter tires! Albertan winters are no joke, with harsh conditions combining snow, ice, and an increased risk of car accidents. In fact, the highest number of injury collisions in Alberta occur in December. Winter tires can help prevent you […]
Edmonton Winter Tire Special | Lexus & Toyota

Edmonton Lexus and Toyota drivers — have you put your winter tires on yet? The temperature is steadily dropping across Alberta and that means snow will be in the forecast soon. Once the temperature consistently drops to 7°C and below, you should consider installing your winter tires as soon as possible. Lexus South Pointe is […]
How Tire Price Match Promise Works

Need to purchase new winter tires? This post explains How Tire Price Match Promise Works and how it always helps you find the right tires for your Lexus at the right price. At Lexus South Pointe, we offer the highest quality tires specifically designed to optimize the performance of your Lexus. After they have been […]

We know our guests understand the value of winter tires. Especially those who are familiar with just how icy our Edmonton streets can get during the coldest months. But knowing when to purchase your new winter tires and have them installed can be a tricky song-and-dance. Especially with invariable Alberta weather. Â Â Â Â This guide […]